Sunday, May 9, 2010

Loyal Omega Followers

The Alpha male, the leader of the pack, all names amount to the one controller of the group. With those who are born to lead, there are those who are born to follow. The ones that are not the strongest, smartest, or give some kind of special aspect that allows them to lead. These are the followers. No matter how great a leader is, he or she is nothing if they have no one to lead. In Utopia, the crew is on an imaginary island where the government is perfect and where everyone follows the rules. However, what happens if someone does not follow the rules? They are dealt with accordingly, but what happens when more and more people follow the same trend against these rules? The society would collapse and the laws would no longer be useful because there would be no one to control. In real life, the closest any society could get to a Utopia was through a: tyranny, monarchy, or communistic society. In all of the stated society types, people must act similar to one another in some way otherwise the individuality would threaten to destroy the civilization. Part of the human psyche is the natural force of competition. In communism, this is completely impossible because the government controls every aspect of a person’s life. While people still retain some sort of individuality, no real society can exist. In Brave New World, people are all taught to act the same way. Soma for whenever there is an uncomfortable situation, and constant promiscuity the rest of the time, the society is built on subduing the people’s desires. The only way to have a true controlled environment is by having eliminating all forms of individuality. However, without the individuality, people also lose their creativity. Without this creativity the world, more importantly the society will not be able to advance. People will not be able to think of creative ways to solve problems or to do anything without being taught and instructed to do so. The larger a population is, the harder it will be to manage. In the New World, by Jonathan Chen, there are enough islands to promote individuality and growing space while maintaining order. The only way this is possible is through the use of the “Big Brother” Chip located inside everyone’s brain. The chip, combined with religion, creates the ultimate control group to ensure peace. Although crude, the New World is in fact a near-Utopia. People are given all they need to survive, and all they need to do is find a job and do anything that they please within the rules. The control groups are the most important aspect of these “perfect” societies due to the fact that there is no society that is made of a single leader. Without the people, there is no such thing as a Utopia. Ironically, the one thing that a Utopia needs most is what can cause it to engulf and destroy itself.

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